Underwater treasure

Fascinating and mysterious caves

Nature is an outdoor museum

Palinuro also hides treasures in the depths of its sea. Discover the marvellous caves of the Cape of Palinuro from the boat or while scuba diving.

Palinuro is said to have no less than 32 sea caves, each characterised by unique features that have earned them creative names. The symbolic cave of this part of coast is surely the Grotta Azzurra in Palinuro (Blue Grotto). Its name comes from the blue colour of the water that changes nuance depending on the light intensity. But what are the other caves?

  • Grotta delle Ossa (Bones Cave)
    In primitive times, this cave was used as a mass grave. If you view it up close, you can see bone fragments and shell fossils in the rock.
  • Grotta dei Monaci (Monks’ Cave)
    The cave takes its name from the stalagmite formations that resemble a group of monks in prayer. You can also admire creatures that the locals call “sea tomatoes”, marine organisms similar to anemones.
  • Grotta del sangue (Blood Cave)
    The cave owes its name to the presence of iron oxide that gives its walls a red colour.
  • Cala Fetente (Stinking Cave)
    Its name comes from the presence of sulphurous water springs. Hydrogen sulphide vapours escape from the seabed and walls, giving the cave its characteristic sulphurous smell.

Curious to check them out? Take a look at our services and choose the boat trip that best suits you.

Palinuro also hides treasures in the depths of its sea. Discover the marvellous caves of the Cape of Palinuro from the boat or while scuba diving.

Palinuro is said to have no less than 32 sea caves, each characterised by unique features that have earned them creative names. The symbolic cave of this part of coast is surely the Grotta Azzurra in Palinuro (Blue Grotto). Its name comes from the blue colour of the water that changes nuance depending on the light intensity. But what are the other caves?

  • Grotta delle Ossa (Bones Cave)
    In primitive times, this cave was used as a mass grave. If you view it up close, you can see bone fragments and shell fossils in the rock.
  • Grotta dei Monaci (Monks’ Cave)
    The cave takes its name from the stalagmite formations that resemble a group of monks in prayer. You can also admire creatures that the locals call “sea tomatoes”, marine organisms similar to anemones.
  • Grotta del sangue (Blood Cave)
    The cave owes its name to the presence of iron oxide that gives its walls a red colour.
  • Cala Fetente (Stinking Cave)
    Its name comes from the presence of sulphurous water springs. Hydrogen sulphide vapours escape from the seabed and walls, giving the cave its characteristic sulphurous smell.

Curious to check them out? Take a look at our services and choose the boat trip that best suits you.

Underwater treasure
Underwater treasure
Treasures of the Cilento region
Underwater treasure
Local attractions
Underwater treasure
Palinuro and environs
Underwater treasure
Excursions and hiking